NFT Tickets

Everything you need to know about GFA NFT Tickets:

Wallet Address

I am going to check the wallet address of the NFT you have. So I will put in the NFT address and see the receiving wallet address


Free Ticket

 Now I have your wallet address, I will transfer a FREE ticket to your wallet

Use, Sell, Give

You can now : USE this ticket or SELL this ticket or GIVE this ticket to a friend!


How to Use

When the event happens - you will “burn” this event ticket NFT and then that will let you enter the event.

That way, only 1 person can use this event ticket NFT. You cannot sell the ticket to someone else after you have entered the event.

(I know that sounds scary “burn” - but think of it the same as if you have a printed ticket for a concert, and then once you enter the concert, the doorman rips the ticket and gives you a stub) - this is the same idea.